"The Splendor of You was created with you in mind; for every woman that was, is, and will be. This work is about you and the magnificence of God's Splendor that lives within you... A treasure that is rightfully yours."
Recognition for The Splendor of You®️

"Don't listen to 'the world.' Listen to Deby. 'The world' tells us faith oppresses, smothers self-worth, and leads to guilt and neurosis. Deby tells us loving God brings peace, joy, and freedom, while affirming everything true, good, and beautiful within us. We are God's work of art. He looks at us and smiles. Thanks, Deby, for tenderly yet powerfully reminding us that - as Jesus whispered - in the end, it's all about love."
Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York

"Deby Schlapprizzi's deep and steadfast Christian faith has daily opened her eyes to see the great beauty of her life in Christ, both in the joys and in the sorrows which are the fabric of every life. Over the years, she has helped other women to see more clearly the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gift of womanhood. What she has communicated in so many personal conversations and through the media, especially the radio, she now shares by her book, The Splendor of You®. As you come to know Deby through her book, may you come to know Christ and, thus, come to know the incomparable beauty of your life in Him."
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Founder, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
If you'd like to book Deby for your program, or for any other reason, simply reach out to her at deby@splendorofyou.com, or click the button below.
Contact Deby